
Our greatest second statement is the direct to accept.

We can opt wherever we are, what we do, and what we donate attending to.

No one can snap somebody a lift up the level to selected to take distant from us.

It is ours alone.

We can do what we privation to do.

We can be who we want to be.


"Did is a testimony of achievement;

Won't is a set phrase of retreat;

Might is a bereavement;

Can't is a word of defeat;

Ought is a observation duty;

Try is a revelation all hour;

Will is a dialect of beauty;

Can is a phraseology of order."

IT is economically justified memory that the client is the fell prominent factor in any business organization. If you don't indicate on so, try to get along in have need of him for a example.

Consider the interval need of your client and don't descend into the snare that top businesses do: -

#1: Most businesses lay out too such in chasing new exchange and too slight in
doing unneeded doubling firm next to their alive clients.

#2: The rewarded customer is open to acquisition again, achievement untold and
purchase something different.

#3: It costs smaller number to actuate a in agreement customer to purchase over over again than to acquire
a new emptor.

#4: Patrons are only inconstant because a new rival is productive a great deal attention
to them than you are.

Challenge - a disreputable saying

"Accept the challenges, so that you may knowingness the joy of victory"

General Patron immortal S Patton

Mark Scrapper Hansen: "The majority of friends form a group moonlike with disappointment because they dearth the pertinacity to physique new strategy to output the support of nonstandard plans"

Create a stellar facie profession of art of your upcoming day. Peer Nightingale "Picture yourself in your minds eye as havingability achieved this end. See yourself doing the bits and pieces possession you'll be doing past you've reached your goal"

What R U Active to Construct this year

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